Where We Sell

We sell some items and a monthly membership (get prints automatically!) through a central store (our Ko-fi shop) but we are also listed as artists and vendors on other marketplaces, like Alter Sleeves (a place to get MTG alters printed onto sleeves!) and InkedGaming (where we sell playmats, magnets, and more!) Check out all the cool places you can get our epic loot!

Merch, Stickers, and More

Our central store, which is hosted on Ko-fi, offers stickers, emotes, and many other things. It also allows us to accept donations and subscriptions to get discounts with said shop. We also sell items on Inked Gaming where we license our artwork for playmats, masks, magnets, mouse pads, etc.

We sell our designs in a variety of places!

Ko-Fi Shop

Checkout Amaranth Alchemy’s amazing content like stickers, emotes, stream assets, and way more!

DBH Merch

We operate a Design By Human store that offers clothing, phone cases, and prints.

Inked Gaming

Checkout Baerthe’s amazing playmats, magnets, masks, and more on Inked Gaming.

Inked Gaming

Checkout CelestialRoses’s amazing playmats, magnets, masks, and more on Inked Gaming.

Magic: The Gathering Content

We sell a large variety of MTG related content. Our Patreon focuses on tokens and designs, while we also sell on Alter Sleeves a wide selection of alters and art replacements for cards.

Ko-Fi Shop

Get early access to Baerthe’s playtest designs and get a pack of sick high quality printed tokens each month!

Token Shop

Get access to the back catalog of Baerthe’s tokens on TokensForMTG.com


Checkout Baerthe’s amazing Alters on AlterSleeves, a way to get cheap, replaceable, but durable sleeves that alter your cards!


Checkout Celestial Roses’s amazing Alters on AlterSleeves, a way to get cheap, replaceable, but durable sleeves that alter your cards!